Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Log 6 (Communication)

“And if I say something good, then it is like watching my own garden grow, and that is the greatest pleasure ever. That’s what Aisha and I are doing. We’re planting a garden with our words.” –page 79

I think Ali-Uncle is a huge positive influence in Nadira’s life. She notices a lot of his sudden actions. She realized that he is so graceful, and wise. Nadira carefully takes in what he has to say and learns from his lessons. The sentence I chose was Nadira paraphrasing a conversation she had with Ali-Uncle. I like this sentence because it gave me a new perspective about words and communication. Communication and getting your voice out can be very important and useful in the world. I believe many people take for granted that they are lucky to be able to communicate with others and the world. Their voice can contribute to making the world a better place. Many people don’t have a voice, and aren’t heard. (Like Nadira’s family.) With our voice, we can help others that don’t have one, and help their story be heard. Words can be like treasures—unless you use them the wrong way. If you chose your words carefully and thoughtful, and are passionate for what you believe in, then your writing or speaking can take you far in life. Words are the seeds to start your garden; a garden of passion and determination.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Falcon. Nadira seems to listen to a lot of the advise that Ali-Uncle gives her. I also agree with the 'Communication and getting your voice out can be very important and useful in the world.'sentence. I think that making your self heard in the world is very important because then people will know what your opinions are and it gives you a chance to change something or do something that is meaningful to you
