Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Log 12 (A breakthrough)

“Above the sky looks gray and soupy, like water before a storm. A few pale, weak stars glimmer through.” –page 146

I think this sentence is reflecting their future. I interpret the sky as their future and gray describing it. I think their future is very vague right now, and they don’t know where it is headed. It could change directions at any moment. However I believe the weak pale star represents a break through in their future. It could be a success at getting residency, Nadira staying strong, Abba and Aisha gaining hope, or hearing news about Ali-Uncle. I didn’t like that the author used the word “soupy” because it gave me a yucky feeling…

I am curious what Aisha is going to do-if she is ever going to go back to school and gain hope. She ripped her unopened college letters to shreds! It is kind of hard to believe that she let all of her hard work and future collapse. I hope that she is going to recover and be herself, but stronger, by the end of the book. I hope she gets out there and finishes high school, and goes to college. I think she has a tiny chance of being that star that breaks through their vague future, a 1% chance, but definitely with the support of Nadira. Right now it seems that Nadira is the backbone of her family and has all the hope. Nadira seems like the most likely candidate to be that star, a 95% chance. She is already breaking through. I didn’t like that Aisha was mean to Nadira, saying she didn’t make a difference with the judge. I believe she did, and Aisha could have been supportive, instead of saying negative things that might break her down too. I want Nadira to finish saving her family, but it might take both of them to do so. (Aisha and Nadira could write a book or talk about the lives of illegal aliens and help others that are in a similar situation.) Hopefully they’ll get the future they want, deserve, and worked hard for. I think they want their future to be in America, not Canada or Bangladesh. Where do you guys think they want their future?

P.S. I found this chapter quite bland, even though it was very eventful. The last few chapters are blending together, things aren’t popping out like they used to, and time is lost…


  1. Falcon,
    I really like the quote you choose, its one of my favorites. I too can't belief that Aisha ripped apart her letters and by the way Nadira discribed how they looked (big and fat) it sounds like she got in. I wonder what will happen next

  2. before i even begin to say anything constructive i have to comment on the last sentence of your blog. i'm a word freak. i love words, so

    "The last few chapters are blending together, things aren’t popping out like they used to, and time is lost… "

    really popped out at me. Three thumbs up for original language and using a poetic tinge in your writing. You always have very thorough blogs, which does not go un-noted. Actually, though, i liked the authors use of soup- strong visual. The fact that it made you feel "icky" is testimony to her skill. Aisha demolishing her letters made me crazy too- especially write after getting high school letters.

  3. I agree with you Katy-that she may have intended on making the reader feel icky when saying "soupy".

    P.S I hope you feel better. Drink lots of echinacea tea!

  4. Great Blog,

    Ya, I also think they want their life to be in America. If theyfeel they have any hope I think it's in America!

    I totally agree that Nadira is the backbone of her family at the moment. To me it seems like she also trying to steer her family in the correct direction and to keep them focus on whats necessary. I love your percent chances for the two sisters they are switching places. But as Nadira being at the top she's more nice and helpful towards her family.I also thought it was very foolish of Aisha to rip her college letter. They could have been great responses. I think she could have handled that more maturely. Let's hope Aisha steps up her game!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Great blog! it was the perfect length and your ideas were amazing!

    I agree with you on the "soupy" part...ew!
    I think that Aisha is losing it and it was a total waste of time and MONEY to rip up the letters. i also agree with you that the chapter was very boring and bland. Great Job! you always have amazing blogs!

  7. great job falcon, i really like how you interpreted the quote. Their future is very vague right now and there is a tiny bit of hope shining through. I think that Nadira will be the star and i hope she stays strong. Personally i don't really care about aisha anymore or what she does. She has proved to be weak and helpless with no need to be.

  8. FALCON!
    This was a really great blog! I loved it! Why did you say you didn't know what to write about? It was phenomenal!
    I totally agree with everything you said! One thing that I thought was significant to what we are going to start doing in class is:
    "I think their future is very vague right now, and they don’t know where it is headed. It could change directions at any moment."
    Because you are relating it to the maps that Nadira is always talking about. This was an awesome blog post.

    To answer your question.
    I think they want their future in America, NOT Canada. They have gone through so much not to stay there.
    Great Job!


  9. Celestine!!! I didn't realize that it was relating to maps. Brilliant observation!! I totally agree that the maps are tying in with it, because their future could change direction like a map.

    p.s It took me forever to chose a sentence. I was like "I don't know which one"...

  10. WOW Sophia! Wonderful blog! Very thorough and detailed packed with chock-full of wonderful thoughts and ideas! I love the way you compared this sentence to the family's future. I agree with you, I think that Nadira is the one who is going to lead the family further. Aisha is pretty much gone, faded away into the darkness. I still can't believe she ripped all of those letters up!! She's gone mad...Celeste, you also made a good point about Sophia connecting with maps! I noticed that as well! Nice work with that Sophia, even though it wasn't intentional.

    I also, like Celeste, think that they want a future in the US. It seems like they have kind of given up on Canada, but we will find out more during the court appearance. I wonder what is in store for us!

  11. I'd certainly be one of the first to criticize some of Aisha's character traits and decisions. I think she's done some seriously stupid things. I don't think that she's worthless though. A lot of the things she did she did because she was trying to help. A lot of her decisions, especially recent ones have been misguided- but i fail to see any overabundance of malicious intent.

  12. I agree with you Falcon. It kinda does give off the future-rific vibe. I also agree with your "translation" of the sentence. I think that are lost and they really don' know how this will all turn out. I also agree with the people that said that Aisha has really given up. Aisha kind of did through away her school education, her collage life, and her family. I worry in a way that somthing bad might happen o her. Half of me would say 'oh no thats bad' but the other half would be kind of happy that she is gone. I know it's sounds very mean of me to say but she really has gotten very rotten and she really has lost it.

  13. and you said there wasn't enough to write on... GREAT BLOG FALCO! you made a bunch of exelent points and i agree with lyndsay

  14. okay
    i thought i published this comment before, but apparently my parents shut off my internet before i thought they did.
    really great post sophia
    i think that they want their future either place that they can have one, besides Aisha who just wants to go to Canada and take an easy-out.
    i also found this chapter quite bland and all the chapters have been blending together for me as well
